Say goodbye to inbox chaos

Breezemail keeps your important emails in your inbox and categorizes the rest with AI

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Never miss an important email again

We've trained our AI to identify the emails that truly matter to you. Breezemail labels important emails which stay in your inbox and automatically organizes the rest into smart categories. Use predefined categories or create your own smart categories.

Create custom AI categories

Breezemail uses ChatGPT queries to organize your emails. Long gone are the days of complex filters with programmatic operators to build email labels. Now you can use natural language to create your own personalized hyper-advanced categories with ease. E.g., “All emails about finance and investing.”

Pre-defined categories to get you started

Pre-made categories to help you organize your inbox without lifting your finger. Or start with your own custom categories.


Supported Apps

Breezemail works like an extension on top of your email inbox.

Add-on for Outlook mail
Add-on for Gmail mail

Inbox zero is finally within reach with one click of a button

Sign up today and let our AI work its magic. Trust us, your inbox will thank you.

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Breezemail Security & Privacy

At Breezemail, we are dedicated to safeguarding your security and privacy. We do not retain, sell, or analyze your data for any purposes other than those related to our publicly accessible features.

1. We don't sell or keep your data.

Breezemail does not have advertisements because we charge a fair subscription fee for our services. We do not engage in, and will never engage in, sharing, selling, or attempting to anonymize your data to 3rd parties. Your data includes your email address, email addresses discovered in your mailbox, as well as email content and attachments.

2. Your email content is processed by ChatGPT and ChatGPT alone.

We use ChatGPT to process and categorize your email contents. All email contents including text, images, attachments, etc. are sent directly to the ChatGPT API. Breezemail does not process or retain any of your contents on our servers.

3. Mailbox access on your terms

You "grant" Breezemail access to your mailbox and you can "revoke" it any time. All access tokens are encrypted and only used to perform operations related to our features.

4. Your credentials are encrypted

Encryption is applied to secure your mailbox access details, making them inaccessible to anyone within Breezemail. These details are solely used for the purpose of scanning your mailbox and executing specific actions.


Is this something that can work with company emails? Will I get in trouble for compliance issues?

Yes, Breezemail can work both with company and personal emails.The compliance requirements will differ from company to company.

If you use it with your company emails and are concerned with compliance issues, it is best to consult with your company's legal department.

As far as Security and Privacy steps we have taken, please check our "Breezemail Security & Privacy" section above. It’s also important to note that we do not process or collect email data. ChatGPT does this for us, and they have pretty solid Privacy Policies that you can refer to.

So how to end up in the human and "not company email" folder?

We are still in the process of testing and re-imagining the tool so my answer to this could be very different couple of months from now, but right now we do a few basic checks:

- We use OpenAI to evaluate if the email is human or newsletter/cold email or other automated emailwe look for things like
- Unsubscribe links - if there's one then it will be categorized as non-importantwe look at the person's email - is it a personal email or info@, etc.
- We plan to train our own custom model to add additional checks like - is the person someone you've emailed before, are they white listed contact, have you responded to previous emails from this person or similar emails, etc.

My emails are not being categorized

Please follow the steps below to ensure that all of your emails get categorized:

1. Make sure you are connected to your Gmail or Outlook account. Log out and log back in and make sure the connection is successful.
2. Ensure that the category is not paused and the category description is not empty or wrong.
3. Ensure that no Gmail filters or other categorization apps are interfering with Breezemail. In Gmail, check that you don't have any filters with "Skip the inbox" setting enabled. Emails that skip the inbox will not be labled by Breezemail.
4. In Gmail, avoid adding Breezemail labels under other labels as sub-lables. Breezemail labels will not work as sub-labels.

What happens when I sign up?

You will get offered a list of predefined categories to choose from. Of course, you can create your own categories, too. When you confirm the categories Breezemail will start prioritizing them automatically. This can take a few minutes. Once they are prioritized you will see the number of prioritized emails change on your dashboard.

How does your AI handle categorization for emails that might have multiple contexts or purposes?

For emails with multiple contexts, Breezemail tries to go from the most specific to the least specific category. For example, if there are overlapping categories, e.g., "Newsletters" and "Investing" categories, and you receive a newsletter about investing, it will go to the "Investing" category. We use ChatGPT to decide which is more/less specific.

How do you ensure AI doesn't access the contents of personal emails?

ChatGPT has to access your email's content in order to categorize them. We are looking into other potential ways of using ChatGPT without accessing the content of the emails, but we haven't found a reliable one. Unfortunately, if you are concerned with ChatGPT processing your email content, this tool won't be a fit for you.Also, it's important to note that we as a company (Breezemail) do not access or process directly your email contents in any way - any content is sent directly to the ChatGPT/Open AI API.

Can I reverse the categorization in Outlook?

Unfortunately, it's not possible to reverse back the categorizations and move back emails from th Breezemail folders to your inbox in Outlook automatically. However, you can do it manually. If you are using the desktop version of Outlook, you can open each Breezemail folder, select an email, press CTRL+A, then right click and choose the "Move" menu option to move all items back to the Inbox.